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Sinar Mas Multiartha Receives Forbes Award

Jakarta, 8 December 2011, the Sinar Mas Multiartha awarded the No. 1 Top 10 Big Companies, Best of the Best Award in 2011 from Forbes Indonesia. The award is based on several indicators, namely the consistency of the company operating income in the last five years, sales for five years, the increase in stock prices in a year, and growth in earnings per share (EPS) of the company three to five years.

This award was received because of Sinar Mas Multiartha performances which posted sales of U.S. $ 153 billion with net income of U.S. $ 142 million, shares increase 76.5%, revenues grew five-fold in the last five years to Rp 14 trillion in 2010. President Director of Sinar Mas Multiartha, Doddy Susanto connected with the fact that 90 percent of the Sinar Mas Multiartha is retail business and puts the company’s strategy in the right market at the right time.

Here’s a list of the top 10 Best Companies in Indonesia’s best performers with sales above 1 billion U.S. dollars (approximately USD 8.6 trillion) Forbes Indonesia:

  1. Sinar Mas Multiartha
  2. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
  3. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia
  4. Adaro Energy
  5. Gajah Tunggal
  6. Indomobil Sukses Internasional
  7. AKR Corporindo
  8. Bank Rakyat Indonesia
  9. Semen Gresik
  10. Indocement

Chief Editorial Advisor Indonesia Forbes, Justin Doebele expressed what the factors reflect the best quality of enterprise management system is to consider, among others, income and long-term sales growth, then metrics such as corporate governance and liquidity. Companies that enter into the list are having all the best aspects.