More Than a Policy, It’s a Gesture of Care, An Act of Love
PT Asuransi Sinar Mas was established in 1985. The initial establishment used the name Asuransi Kerugian Sinar Mas Dipta before changing the company name in 1991. To date, Asuransi Sinar Mas (ASM) has a network of branch offices/marketing points spread from Sabang to Merauke. Asuransi Sinar Mas has been recognized as a market leader in the Indonesian insurance industry. This cannot be separated from the Company's commitment to always provide protection for our customers and is supported by the mission to provide innovative products and services as well as the spirit of creativity in the field of technology and information structure. The Company is also strengthened by qualified human resources (HR) to carry out the company's operations and supported by domestic and foreign reinsurance companies.